North Meridian Street Historic District

Neighborhood info


Location North side


Neighborhood boundaries coming soon.

More about Meridian Street


Nearly 70 percent of the homes along Meridian Street were built in the 1920's and 1930's, with the oldest home being built in 1908 and the newest in 1996.

There are diverse styles, including English Cottage, Tudor Revival, Colonial Revival, French Eclectic, French Farmhouse, Mediterranean Revival, American Four Square, and Prairie (see pages 2-1 to 2-7 of the North Meridian Street Design Guidelines for more information on architectural style.) However, the homes built in the first half of the 20th century share many elements in common. They were designed and built for upper middle class families who wanted gracious and elegant living, modern conveniences, and superior craftsmanship. Thick plaster walls, extensive use of leaded and stained glass, slate, marble, elaborate tile, original lighting and bathroom fixtures contribute much to the value and ambiance of your Meridian Street home.


Prior to 1971, it looked as though commercialism would destroy the beautiful residential street and area. However, leadership of the people who lived in and around Meridian Street at that time ensured that the destiny of the neighborhood was controlled. To that end, important legal action was taken to ensure the protection and preservation of the neighborhood.

Historic Designation

The Meridian Street Preservation Act (Indiana Statute PL 260-1971) was passed in 1971. It requires that any owner in the North Meridian Street Preservation Area (both Primary and Secondary Areas, click here to view boundary maps) must secure the approval of the Meridian Street Preservation Commission (MSPC) for any proposed change in land use (rezoning) or zoning variance of development standards (see Preservation Area Plan below).

In addition, the owners of properties on N. Meridian Street (in the Primary Preservation Area) must have proposed modifications [see Design Guidelines (below), MSPC Chair, MSPC Staff and Land Use Committee Chair] of exterior features of their house and property through construction, reconstruction, alteration or demolition approved by the MSPC prior to beginning any work. The Commission hears and votes on these petitions.

Note on information

This content was provided by the Foundation from their website, which includes content from The Main Stem, authored by David J. Bodenhamer, Lamont Mulse and Elizabeth B. Monroe with contemporary photography by Marsh Davis, copyright 1992 -- a book about the history and architecture of North Meridian Street.