Historic Urban Neighborhoods of Indianapolis (HUNI) is an advocacy group supporting the preservation, revitalization, and interests of Indianapolis’ urban historic neighborhoods.
HUNI first emerges on the Indy scene as a subgroup of Indiana Landmarks (formerly Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana).
In total, we count over 30 Indianapolis neighborhoods as members of HUNI. Explore more Indy Neighborhoods.
Residents of the neighborhoods you will see on this site care enough about architecture, that they've worked M-A-N-Y hours to seek National Register of Historic Places status and/or to seek local protection via the Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission (IHPC). Protection is a good thing! IHPC protects historic neighborhoods and neighbors' investments in these neighborhoods... That does not mean that changes cannot be made to these homes, but there are some elements of these historic beauties we cannot afford to lose thus as a community, we strive for thoughtful change which can be embraced by all.
Our primary purposes are threefold:
- Promote historic preservation, neighborhood revitalization and other improvements within Indianapolis’ urban neighborhoods
- Provide a forum for the exchange of information, ideas and experiences among individual and Neighborhood Association members
- Represent member concerns to government officials and other authorities whose actions affect the health, safety, welfare and quality of life of HUNI’s membership
As we look to the future, we see the following potential:
- To become a more significant voice for Indianapolis' urban neighborhoods
- To inform Indianapolis about the many activities of member neighborhoods, from: home tours to seminars on green tech in older homes, through legislative issues, as well as activities that are just plain fun, to orient those interested, to the geography, history and character of our member neighborhoods.
If you'd like to help us on our journey, please bookmark our site and visit us often. Tell friends about it. Suggest elements you'd like to see us include by contacting us on our Contact page. We look forward to seeing you back!
HUNI members gather for a group picture at the 2023 annual meeting.
Tom AbeelPresident
Glenn BlackwoodImmediate Past President
Paula BrooksVice President
Jordan RyanSecretary
Executive Committee
- Tom AbeelPresident
- Paula BrooksVice President
- Jordan RyanSecretary
- Sharon Butsch FreelandMembership
- Glenn BlackwoodImmediate Past President
Editorial Board
- Lorraine Phillips VavulChair
- Paula Brooks
- Garry Chilluffo
- Sharon Butsch Freeland
- Marjorie Kienle
- Julia Pratt
- Jordan Ryan
Ex officio committee members
- Calvin NguyenIndiana Landmarks
- Scotty Z. WilsonWeb & digital
Contact us
To contact HUNI—either organizational leadership or the editorial board—visit our contact page.