HUNI Bylaws Historic Urban Neighborhoods of Indianapolis

Article I. Purpose:

Historic Urban Neighborhoods of Indianapolis (HUNI) is a coalition of Neighborhood organizations—hereafter referred to as “Associations” within Marion County—and individuals who support the primary purposes of HUNI, which are:

  1. To promote historic preservation, revitalization, beautification, connectivity, and other improvements within Indianapolis’ urban neighborhoods.
  2. To provide a forum for the exchange of information, ideas, and experiences among Individual and Neighborhood Association members.
  3. To represent member concerns to government officials and other authorities whose actions affect the health, safety, welfare, and quality of life of HUNI’s membership.

Article II. Membership:

There shall be two classes of membership: Neighborhood Association Members (NAM) and Individual Members (IM).

  1. Neighborhood Association Members (NAM)
    1. Each NAM shall be located within Marion County, have official neighborhood status with the City of Indianapolis, defined geographic boundaries, and be on the National Register of Historic Places, or eligible for such.
    2. A neighborhood that does not meet the requirements may petition the HUNI Board of Directors for membership. The president shall appoint a committee to review the application for membership and present a recommendation to the HUNI Board of Directors, whose decision in the matter shall be final.
    3. In lieu of membership fees, Neighborhood Association Members are encouraged to make an annual donation to Historic Urban Neighborhoods of Indianapolis (HUNI)
    4. Each NAM shall select a representative to serve as their HUNI representative. If more than one group wishes to represent one neighborhood, each must petition the HUNI Board of Directors for membership, whose decision in the matter shall be final.
    5. Each NAM shall be responsible for promptly filling a vacancy in its HUNI Rep position.
  2. Individual Members
    1. A person wishing to join HUNI as an Individual Member may submit a request to any officer of HUNI. These requests shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for review and approval.
    2. Individual members may participate in all programs and activities sponsored by HUNI, may fully serve on standing and special committees, and may serve as officers.
    3. In lieu of membership fees, individual members are encouraged to make an annual donation to Historic Urban Neighborhoods of Indianapolis (HUNI).

Article III. Board of Directors and Voting Rights

  1. The Board of Directors shall consist of the HUNI Leadership Group.
  2. The Board of Directors shall consist of no fewer than six individuals and be comprised of:
    1. The elected officers
    2. The chairpersons of any standing committees
    3. The immediate past president
    4. Others appointed by the president
  3. At any meeting of the Board of Directors, a simple majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum. Except as described below, if a quorum is present, the affirmative vote of a majority of those directors present shall be the act of the Board.
  4. Adoption of any position statements must be made through a two thirds majority of directors present. Position statements for consideration shall be distributed to all directors at least one week prior to the vote. Such votes may be conducted in-person or electronically.
  5. Meetings and voting may occur in person or electronically.

Article IV. Financial Obligations

HUNI shall have the right to solicit and receive funds, including grants or gifts designated for specific programs and activities. No member shall have the right to incur debt for which HUNI shall be responsible.

Article V. Officers

Officers shall consist of a President, President Elect/Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer who shall be elected by the Board of Directors at the organization's Annual Meeting. The Officers shall be voting members of the Board of Directors. Any NAM Director elected as an officer may resign their position as neighborhood representative, filling the vacancy with an additional representative from the Neighborhood in accordance with their procedures for filling such vacancies.

  1. Election, Terms and Vacancies
    1. All officers shall be elected for a term of three years. The vice president shall serve two years as vice president and one year as president-elect.
    2. At the expiration of terms, or to fill an officer vacancy, a slate of candidates willing to serve will be proposed, with nominations accepted from the floor during the Annual Meeting. The highest-ranking outgoing officer or Director shall preside over the election.
    3. If there is more than one candidate for an office, the election shall be by secret ballot. Voting shall continue with the candidate(s) receiving the fewest votes being dropped until balloting yields a candidate receiving a minimum of 51% of the vote.
    4. A vacancy in the office of vice president/president-elect, secretary, or treasurer shall be filled, by presidential appointment and subject to approval by the Board of Directors, to serve out the remainder of the unexpired term.
    5. A vacancy in the office of president shall be filled by the vice president/president-elect until the next Annual Meeting, at which time the position(s) shall be filled by election as outlined above.
  2. Officer Responsibilities
    1. President: The president shall serve as chairperson of the Board of Directors and spokesperson for the organization. The president assumes all on-going and special responsibilities until the 3rd year of their term, when the transition to president-elect begins. The president shall represent HUNI as a member of the Real Estate Committee of Indiana Landmarks.
    2. President-Elect: During the third year of office, the vice president becomes the president-elect and begins to assume some responsibilities of the organization. The president shall continue to represent the organization to the general public and assume responsibility for special issues and events.
    3. Immediate Past President: At the end of their third year, when the president-elect fully becomes president, the outgoing president transitions to immediate past president, carrying out duties as assigned by the president and/or Board of Directors.
    4. Vice President: The vice president shall carry out the duties and responsibilities of the president in the absence of the president. The vice president serves on the Board of Directors and in the third year of their term, will transition to president elect.
    5. Secretary: The secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings.
    6. Treasurer: The treasurer shall be an employee of Indiana Landmarks and custodian of all funds collected and shall provide a financial report at each member meeting.

Article VI. Meetings

  1. Annual Meeting and Elections

    The Annual Meeting of HUNI shall be held in the month of February each year at a time and place determined by the Board of Directors. The purpose of this meeting shall be to elect officers, constitute committees, and recommend goals for the coming year.

  2. Membership meetings

    The HUNI General Membership shall meet quarterly at places and times determined by the Board of Directors.

  3. Board of Directors meetings

    The Board of Directors shall meet monthly, either in person or electronically. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the president or upon request of any two officers. Notice of meetings shall be communicated to each director at least one week in advance of each meeting.

  4. Absentee Ballots

    No votes may be cast at any HUNI meeting by absentee ballot or proxy. Ongoing business by the Board of Directors may be voted electronically.

Article VII. Special and Standing Committees

  1. Special Committees may be established by the president as the need arises. Each special committee shall have a charter that defines its purpose and outlines an estimated expiration date. Committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the president. Committee chairpersons are free to constitute the membership of their own committees, provided that a majority are HUNI members. Special committees, their chairs, and their charters are subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
  2. Standing Committees
    1. Editorial Board

      The Editorial Board is charged with developing the organization’s public-facing content strategy, overseeing the organization’s website and social media accounts. The Editorial Board shall consist of a chair and at least one other person.

    2. Membership

      The Membership Committee shall track attendance at the Membership meetings and maintain the general membership roster, to include contact information and an expanded list for Membership meetings, announcements, and updates on issues. The vice president/president-elect of HUNI shall chair this committee.

Article VIII. Amendments

These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors at any regular meeting, provided the proposed amendment is first mailed to each Director at least one week prior to the meeting when the vote occurs.

  • Prepared: 1/12/86
  • Revised: 2/3/87
  • Adopted: 2/3/87
  • Revised: 8/30/90
  • Amended: 9/4/90
  • Adopted: 10/2/90
  • Revised 10/12/92
  • Adopted 12/3/92
  • Revised 11/11/96
  • Adopted: 2/15/97
  • Revised 02/08/14
  • Revised 02/02/2019
  • Revised 01/23/2025