HUNI Bylaws Historic Urban Neighborhoods of Indianapolis
Article I. Purpose:
Historic Urban Neighborhoods of Indianapolis (HUNI) is a coalition of Individuals and Neighborhood Associations within Marion County. The primary purposes of HUNI are:
- To promote historic preservation, neighborhood revitalization and other improvements within Indianapolis’ urban neighborhoods.
- To provide a forum for the exchange of information, ideas and experiences among Individual and Neighborhood Association members.
- Represent member concerns to government officials and other authorities whose actions affect the health, safety, welfare, and quality of life of HUNI’s membership.
Article II. Membership:
There shall be two classes of membership: Neighborhood Association Members (NAM) and Individual Members (IM).
- Neighborhood Association Members (NAM)
- Each NAM shall be located within Marion County, have official neighborhood status with the City of Indianapolis, defined geographic boundaries, have ten or more members and on the National Register of Historic Places or eligible for such.
- Each NAM shall provide HUNI with a current copy of its bylaws, charter or other organizational documents. If a neighborhood does not meet the requirements of 1 or 2, the neighborhood may petition the HUNI Board of Directors for membership. The
President shall appoint a committee to review the application for membership and present a recommendation to theHUNI Board of Directors'whosedecision in the matter shall be final. - Each NAM shall select a representative to serve
on the HUNI Board of Directorsas their HUNI representative. It may be the President of the NAM but does not have to be. If two groups wish to represent one neighborhood, each must petition the HUNI Board of Directors for membership. The President shall appoint a committee to review the application for membership and present a recommendation to the HUNI Board of Directors decision in the matter shall be final. - Each NAM shall be responsible for promptly filling any vacancy which occurs in its HUNI Rep position.
- NAM membership fees shall be established by the Board of Directors. In the absence of action by the Board, annual NAM membership fees shall be $15.00 payable to Indiana Landmarks with HUNI indicated on the memo line by the end of the day of each year’s annual meeting or mailed in to Indiana Landmarks by March 31st. Membership fees must be paid in full by March 31st in order for NAMs to remain in good standing.
- Individual Members
- IMs must be residents of Marion County.
- IMs may participate in all programs and activities sponsored by HUNI, including serving on standing and special committees.
- IM membership fees shall be established by the Board of Directors. In the absence of action by the Board, annual IM membership fees shall be $5 per person payable to HUNI by the end of the day of each year’s annual meeting or mailed in to Indiana Landmarks by March 31st. Membership fees must be paid in full by March 31st in order for IMs to remain in good standing.
Article III. Board of Directors & Voting Rights
- The Board of Directors shall be comprised of
one Director selected each NAM and up to ten IMs in good standing (current year’s dues paid) appointed by the Presidentthe officers and the chairpersons of any standing or ad hoc committees, as well as the immediate Past President. Additional persons may serve on the board if serving a specific designated role for the organization but may serve only while fulfilling that role. The HUNI President shall serve as the Chair of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall call a meeting of the Board of Directors no later than March 31st ofeachan election yearand shall be subject to approval by majority vote of all NAM representatives on the Board of set goals for that year. - A simple majority of the total membership of the
Board of Directorsorganization shall constitute a quorum for electing officers or any special business brought to the full organization by the Board of Directors. Procedural votes by the Board of Directors require a simple majority. - Adoption of any position statements must be made through a two thirds majority.
Directors must be present in order to vote on any business coming before the board. IMs not serving on the Board shall have no voting rights.Voting by members (NAM and IMs) is generally done in person at organizational meetings but the Board of Directors may recommend an electronic vote of members on a case-by-case basis when deemed necessary, particularly in situations with limited time. Board of Directors may vote on on-going business via electronic votes.
Article IV. Financial Obligations
HUNI shall have the right to solicit and receive funds: however no member shall have the right to incur debt for which HUNI shall be responsible. HUNI programs and activities may be funded by voluntary contributions from NAMs and IMs or other sources such as grants or gifts specifically designated for HUNI.
Article V. Officers
Officers shall consist of a President, President Elect/Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer who shall be elected by the Board of Directors at the organization's Annual Meeting in February. The Officers shall be voting members of the Board of Directors. Any NAM Director elected as an officer may resign his position as neighborhood representative, filling the vacancy with an additional representative from the Neighborhood Association in accordance with their procedures for filling such vacancies.
- Election, Terms & Vacancies
- A slate of candidates willing to serve will be proposed with nominations accepted from the floor during the Annual Meeting. The highest ranking outgoing officer or Director shall preside over the election.
- All officers shall be elected for a term of three years. The Vice President shall serve two years as VP and one year as President Elect. A new Vice President will be elected when the current VP moves to President Elect.
- If there are two or more candidates for an office, the election shall be by secret ballot. Voting shall continue with the candidate(s) receiving the least votes being dropped until balloting yields a candidate receiving a minimum of 51% of the vote.
- Vacancies in the offices of Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be filled until the next Annual Meeting by Presidential appointment subject to approval by the Board of Directors. Vacancy in the office of President shall be filled until the next Annual Meeting by a special election conducted by the Board of Directors in accordance with the balloting procedures referenced in Section A-3 above.
- Officer Responsibilities
- President: The President shall serve as chairperson of the Board of Directors and spokesperson for the organization. The President assumes all on-going and special responsibilities until the 3rd year of his/her term when the transition of President Elect begins. The President shall represent HUNI as a member of Endangered Places Board of Indiana Landmarks.
- President Elect: During the third year of office, the Vice President becomes the President Elect and begins to assume the on-going responsibilities of the organization with the President continuing to represent the organization to the general public at hearings and other events, being responsible for special issues and events.
- Immediate Past President: At the end of the his/her third year when the President Elect fully becomes President, the out-going President moves to Immediate Past President carrying out duties as assigned by the President and/or Board of Directors.
- Vice-President: The Vice-President shall carry out the duties and responsibilities of the President in the absence of the President. The Vice President serves on the Board of Directors and in the 3rd year of his/her term will move into President Elect responsibilities.
- Secretary: The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings and maintain the membership roster.
- Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be an employee of Indiana Landmarks and the custodian of all funds collected and shall make a complete financial accounting at the end of each fiscal year.
Article VI. Meetings
- Annual Meeting & Elections
The Annual Meeting of HUNI shall be held in the month of February each year at a time and place determined by the Board of Directors. The purpose of this meeting shall be to elect officers, constitute committees and recommend goals for the coming year.
- Board of Directors Meetings
Unless otherwise decided, regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held on the first Thursday of the 2nd month of each quarter at a time and place determined by the Board. Notice of regular meetings shall be mailed to each Director at least one week in advance of each meeting. (Meeting months: February (Saturday morning), May, August, October).
- Absentee Ballots
No votes may be cast at any HUNI meeting by absentee ballot or proxy. On-going business by the Board of Directors may be voted electronically.
- Special Meetings
A special meeting may be called by the President or upon request of at least one-third of the Board of Directors.
Article VII. Special & Standing Committees
- Ad-Hoc Committees may be established by the President or Board of Directors as the need arises. Committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the President, subject to approval by the Board of Directors. Committee chairpersons are free to constitute the membership of their own committees, provided that a majority are HUNI members. These rules shall also apply to Standing Committees.
- The Board of Directors may supervise the establishment and work of the Standing Committee.
- Editorial Board.The Editorial Board is a standing committee set up to maintain the organization’s website. The EB shall be comprised of a chairperson and at least one other person, not including the professional website administrator. The President shall appoint members to serve on the EB.
Article VIII. Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors at any regular meeting, provided the proposed amendment is first mailed to each Director at least one week prior to the meeting when the vote occurs.
- Prepared: 1/12/86
- Revised: 2/3/87
- Adopted: 2/3/87
- Revised: 8/30/90
- Amended: 9/4/90
- Adopted: 10/2/90
- Revised 10/12/92
- Adopted 12/3/92
- Revised 11/11/96
- Adopted: 2/15/97
- Revised 02/08/14
- Revised 02/02/2019