Blue Line, public transit under attack by Statehouse bill SB 52

A rendering of a future Blue Line stop at Washington St. and Southeastern Ave. in Indianapolis
On Monday January 29, despite overwhelming opposition from residents and businesses, the Senate passed SB 52, a bill authored by Sen. Aaron Freeman that would place a moratorium on dedicated lanes projects while a study is conducted to determine its viability.
The fact is, it is a requirement for such studies to be conducted in order to apply for federal funding. The studies have been done. And the results match up for projects across the nation. While fingers are pointed back and forth at the Statehouse, it remains true and important that the residents of Indianapolis have already spoken. Therefore, we need to continue to fight until this literal roadblock is put to rest.
Why is transit so important?
Public transit isn't just important, it's essential. Transit connects essential workers, uplifts communities with infrastructure improvements, and drives economic development in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
Learn more about why transit is essential. Want more information about transit in Indianapolis? Visit Transit Drives Indy.
Is there any difference one or two people can make?
YES! We need residents, particularly those in Indy's urban neighborhoods, to write state representatives and express their disapproval of these tactics and of this new legislation. The collective voices of people banding together CAN make a difference.
How do I contact legislators? What do I say?
We can help! Unfortunately, letters that are "boilerplate" (i.e. the same letter copied/pasted) tend to be treated as "one", even from different people. But we can provide some excellent bullet points and suggestions for how to construct a letter. Read on.
Talking points
- Dedicated lanes are important
Dedicated lanes are vital to Bus Rapid Transit and therefore vital to reliability, safety, and mobility access. Dedicated lanes mean that motorists no longer have to "get stuck" behind the bus. And the bus is no longer hampered by congested traffic jams caused by cars and other traffic.
- A referendum already passed—the people have spoken
On November 8, 2016, Marion County voters voted in favor of a tax to improve the city’s transit system, which was allowed for by a 2014 act of the Indiana General Assembly (based on years of feedback indicating support for an enhanced transit system)
If you voted for this referendum, tell them.
- Federal funds are at stake
The IndyGo Blue Line project is anticipating millions of dollars of federal infrastructure funding, which is contingent upon the implementation of dedicated lanes.
- All modes of transportation are important
Millions of people per year rely on transportation methods other than cars. Reliable public transit plays a pivotal role in the lives of literally millions of families and households.
- Tell them why an advanced public transit infrastructure is important to you
Whether you need to regularly commute, would prefer to get around more often without a car, or are looking forward to a better way to the airport, better public transit promises to help transform communities across the city. Share these stories.
Whom do I contact?
Most importantly, contact each of the members of the Indiana House Roads and Transportation committee:
- Jim Pressel
[email protected]
317-234-9380 - Mike Speedy
(Marion County rep)
[email protected]
317-234-9028 - Mitch Gore
(Marion County rep)
[email protected]
317-234-9842 - Carey Hamilton
(Marion County rep)
[email protected]
317-233-5248 - Blake Johnson
(Marion County rep)
[email protected]
317-232-9976 - Ryan Lauer
[email protected]
317-232-9669 - Cory Criswell
[email protected]
317-232-9850 - Craig Haggard
[email protected]
317-232-9753 - Dave Heine
[email protected]
317-232-9743 - Lindsay Patterson
[email protected]
317-232-9833 - Edmond Soliday
[email protected]
317-232-9754 - Alex Zimmerman
[email protected]
317-232-9643 - Earl Harris
[email protected]
Speaker of the House
- Todd Huston
[email protected]
[email protected] (Legislative Assistant)
Emails do not need to be long—simply make a few points. But volume IS important—convince others to do the same?
What else can I do?
Volume is important. Recruit others to get involved and do the same. Forward or share a link to this page and convince others to join in.
Attend the hearing
Attend (and even testify) at the committee meeting. It helps when the committee members hear how these decisions impact residents, businesses, and others who are impacted.
View information and the meeting schedule of the House Roads and Transportation Committee.
Note: meeting days and times can be subject to change. Check often.