Second Round of INDOT CSS Workshops completed after four public listening sessions.

Indy residents encouraged to take this Survey on North Split by August 31, 2019.
INDOT completed its second round of Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS) workshops with a final workshop on August 27. In all there were four CSS presentations in several neighborhoods affected by the I-65/70 reconstruction project. The CSS process embraces citizen feedback to guide suggested treatments of urban interstates, bridges, interstate embankments and interstate footprints in a more aesthetically-pleasing, neighborhood-friendly methodology. In this latest CSS round, INDOT representatives will share preliminary design concepts based on collective outcomes and feedback gathered during the initial workshops held earlier this spring. A copy of the second round presentation is available here.
The online survey was touted to aid INDOT in understanding potential impacts and benefits of the I-65/I-70 North Split Interchange project. This high-profile project in downtown Indianapolis will repair deteriorating bridges, upgrade pavement conditions, and improve traffic flow and safety within Indiana’s second-busiest interchange. Residents were asked to complete the survey by August 31st as well as encouraged other invite Indy residents to give their input to INDOT as well.
Feedback can be shared either in person at the final CSS Workshop or via the survey